live life well

Warm weather, flowers, fresh fruit, veggies, and oh yes, bathing suits

Warm weather, flowers, fresh fruit, veggies, and oh yes, bathing suits

Posted: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 8:00 pm

Spring has sprung and I bet you are enjoying all of the above — except the thought of wearing a bathing suit or summer clothing. Perhaps this article is most interesting to women, but men — you may be married, have daughters, sisters, or date women — so listen up as well!

I have been a trainer long enough to know that a lot of you do not like to wear bathing suits, shorts or tank tops. Call it vanity, self-esteem, self-efficacy, or, I just call it human. I think it is normal to want to look your best at all times. The key word here is “your best” — that does not mean comparing yourself to everyone else.

Comparing yourself to pictures in magazines of photo-shopped bodies, flawless skin, and perfect smiles is not realistic. The majority of us do not have flawless features.

I try not to be in denial about my age. I look down and see sagging skin on my legs, age spots on my face, wrinkles that were not there a few years ago and, yes, a few gray hairs. I look at pictures, or, heaven forbid, FaceTime someone on my phone and think : ‘Who is that older person that looks like me…?’.

I guarantee you if you want a humbling experience, just FaceTime someone and you will be humbled! Thankfully, I do not feel a whole lot different than I did in my 20’s.

I have an idea: Let’s own our age and practice healthy living habits so that we feel good as we age, and strive for a superb quality of life. Being fit and well does not happen by accident — it is intentional!

Here are a few habits I recommend incorporating into your lifestyle to keep you fit inside and out. Then, you can own your age and not really care about how other people perceive you in your bathing suit, tank top or shorts.

Keep Hydrated — Drink plenty of water, it’s a natural way to keep your skin radiant and healthy from the inside out.

Eat your vitamin A — Vitamin A is great for your skin — especially beta-carotene, which the human body converts into vitamin A (retinol). Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A. We need vitamin A for healthy skin and mucous membranes, our immune system, and good eye health. Look for orange-colored veggies and fruit. Sweet potatoes, pumpkins and carrots are all great examples of foods packed with beta-carotene.

Exercise — Excercise is the best anti-aging pill you will ever take. It is by far my favorite healthy habit, and should be embraced by everyone. Even those with limitations should embrace exercise because it can be modified to fit anyone’s level of ability. Research is showing that exercise keeps our bodies and brains young.

Get your Vitamin D — Vitamin D deficiency is extremely prevalent in the aging population. Most often the first symptoms are caused by myopathy with muscle pain, fatigue, muscular weakness and gait disturbances. Your body’s primary source of vitamin D is UVB irradiation from the sun. Our skin can produce vitamin D upon exposure to the sun, usually 15 minutes a day is adequate. But, as we age, our bodies do not produce adequate vitamin D. Eating supplements and foods fortified with vitamin D is usually necessary to ensure our bodies have enough vitamin D as we age. Talk to your health care provider about adequate intake.

Get your vitamin B12 — As we age, the body’s ability to absorb B12 from food can decline. This can lead to muscle weakness, shakiness, mental decline, depression and mood disorders. Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk and milk products. Talk to your health care provider about adequate intake.

Deal with stress — Unchecked chronic stress can wreak havoc with the immune system, lead to many chronic illnesses and age us prematurely. Adequate sleep is extremely important for aging as well.

So, do all you can to be healthy from the inside out, OWN your body and thank God you have lived another day.

See you in the gym or at the pool!

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